
Three books and a radio show/podcast

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quadruple reviews!  I shall review:  "This American Life",  "Blog:  Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing the World", "Not Wet Yet", and "Freakanomics" 

Let's start off with This American Life.

This American Life is a show on NPR that discusses, well, life, the universe, and everything, in an incredibly interesting way.  It's a very difficult thing to define due to the fact that the shows are so broad.  It's hosted by Ira Glass (or Grass.  Or something), who does a fantastic job.  It's not especially funny, it's just very interesting.  Really sparks the mind.  Anyway, I've got a lot to write, so let's move on.

Blog:  Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing the World.  Whew.  Happy I only had to type that twice.  See, B:UtIRTCtW (Let's just call it "Blog")  is written from the perspective of a business man, and is about, you guessed it, blogs.  I reccomend this book, as it describes very well the difference between "Old Media" and "New Media"  and what's happening.  It doesn't have too much advice on blogging, especially my type of blogging (it focuses more on corprate stuffs), so if you want that, pick up "The Dummies Guide to Blogging".  Or "Idiot's"  or Whatever.

Not Wet Yet.  This is a book written by the comedian Ian Shoales, who comments on life, society, and everything.  He doens't know enough about the universe, so he made that replacement.  It was published in 1996, so it's a little outdated, but still hilarious and extremely insightful.

Finally, Freakanomics.  Like "Economics"  combined with "Freak".  This book, is about economics.  No surprise there.  The surprise is that Ecomics is NOT the study of money, it's actually the study of choices.  This book goes over the choices people make, and the way they make them.  It's part psycology, part statistics, and part straight damn interesting.  I highly reccomend all of these books, and this podcast.

Signing off, Silence.