
Well, this is just great

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, now my parents know about my blog and twitter. No more objectional content will be displayed here xD

Yeah, it was pretty bad.

I has twitter

There. Now you microbloggers will fall in love with me.

Stay out of my blog if you don't see why this is awesome

Seriously. If you don't get this, just leave. This place is not for you.

Life summerized in four bottles

So much truth.

Three books and a radio show/podcast

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quadruple reviews!  I shall review:  "This American Life",  "Blog:  Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing the World", "Not Wet Yet", and "Freakanomics" 

Let's start off with This American Life.

This American Life is a show on NPR that discusses, well, life, the universe, and everything, in an incredibly interesting way.  It's a very difficult thing to define due to the fact that the shows are so broad.  It's hosted by Ira Glass (or Grass.  Or something), who does a fantastic job.  It's not especially funny, it's just very interesting.  Really sparks the mind.  Anyway, I've got a lot to write, so let's move on.

Blog:  Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing the World.  Whew.  Happy I only had to type that twice.  See, B:UtIRTCtW (Let's just call it "Blog")  is written from the perspective of a business man, and is about, you guessed it, blogs.  I reccomend this book, as it describes very well the difference between "Old Media" and "New Media"  and what's happening.  It doesn't have too much advice on blogging, especially my type of blogging (it focuses more on corprate stuffs), so if you want that, pick up "The Dummies Guide to Blogging".  Or "Idiot's"  or Whatever.

Not Wet Yet.  This is a book written by the comedian Ian Shoales, who comments on life, society, and everything.  He doens't know enough about the universe, so he made that replacement.  It was published in 1996, so it's a little outdated, but still hilarious and extremely insightful.

Finally, Freakanomics.  Like "Economics"  combined with "Freak".  This book, is about economics.  No surprise there.  The surprise is that Ecomics is NOT the study of money, it's actually the study of choices.  This book goes over the choices people make, and the way they make them.  It's part psycology, part statistics, and part straight damn interesting.  I highly reccomend all of these books, and this podcast.

Signing off, Silence.

Looking for new authors

Monday, January 26, 2009

I want to expand the blog by adding another author.  This basically means that I want someone else to do my work and write for me.  What you get: A blog.  What I get: an author.

Now, you may be wondering why I'm doing this.  I mean, I'm already rocking steady daily posting.  The truth is that my blog is starting to get shallow and one dimensional.  With only me posting, you can expect the same thing every day.  That's why I want another author.

Simply drop a comment, and I'll decide weather you can be an author or not.  Then, I'll moderate the posts, and eventually decide who gets to stay.  I'll be chosing one author.

In the likely case that no one acutally signs up, I'll be continuing business as usual.

Anyway, signing off, Silence.

Obama... Yo

Linked due to large size.

Ah.. Truth.

The undisputed most awesome picures EVOR

Friday, January 23, 2009

 Linked due to large size.

Bass guitar playing tape.

Darth Vadar = Teh Pimpin.

Son, we need to talk

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Listen, son, we need to have a talk. This isn't going to be easy for either of us. You are not my son. I'm sorry, I know this will come as a blow to you. But the fact is, no son of mine plays Oregon Trail like you do.
The first sign something was wrong was when I watched you choose the banker as your occupation to start a game. The banker? Really? Were you not aware that the banker has no point modifier?
For some time, I managed to convince myself that you preferred the banker simply because his vast resources allowed you to purchase the maximum number of oxen. I was sure that you were attempting to set a speed record of some sort. Of course, I knew that the game limited you to 40 miles a day regardless of the number of oxen, but I thought you would figure that out for yourself. But you weren't about to figure anything out. Not about Oregon Trail, and not about life.
At Matt's General Store, you picked a "logical" assortment of goods to ensure that your party was healthy and secure the entire way to Oregon. You even purchased clothing for the members of your party, for Christ's sake. It was clear that you valued the banker's fourfold cash advantage over the farmer's point multiplier of three. And because of that preference, and many other choices along the trail, you are clearly another man's son.
Can't you see that Oregon Trail is a microcosm of life? I'm sure you've seen my high score on the computer: 8,040 points. Did you know that for years people considered 8,000 points impossible? You don't get a score like that by playing it safe and taking the banker. You get a score like that by selecting the farmer, purchasing only oxen and ammo, setting a "grueling" pace, and feeding your party "bare-bones" rations.
How many gold medals would Michael Phelps have won if all he cared about was making it across the pool? How many championships would Jordan have if all he'd wanted to do was dribble the ball down the court? Sure, you can make it across the country in relative comfort. But let me ask you this: How many spare wagon wheels do you think Michael Phelps takes with him? Why not push a naked, starving family to the brink of collapse and hunt your ass off for food all the way to Oregon? Isn't that what Jordan would do?
Son, when you make the decision at South Pass to head for Fort Bridger instead of the Green River, you're making a choice to take the easy route. Why? Because you're afraid the wagon won't make it across the river? Son, Fort Bridger takes you 86 miles out of your way!
Maybe your fat, well-dressed pioneers are happy for the extra time on the trail, but I wonder how happy they'll be when they make it to Oregon and all they have to start their new lives is a bunch of fancy clothing and a few spare wagon axles.
I once completed the trail having survived three broken wagon wheels. It took me 10 days to find an Indian to trade with for the third wheel, and I still scored 6,000 points. The other day, I saw you quit the trail immediately after your wagon capsized in the Kansas River. You lost only an ox and a hundred pounds of food. I drank myself to sleep that night.
Speaking of food, it almost seems like you don't even like to hunt. When you do, you fire randomly at anything that moves. Let me make it simple for you, son: a bullet costs 10 cents, a pound of food costs 20 cents. If you're not averaging a half pound of food per bullet, you're wasting points. So I hope it was fun firing 10 times at that squirrel, which, I feel obligated to add, you never actually hit.
I can see that this is all very upsetting. I'm sorry. I know that this is a lot for an 8-year-old to absorb. I wish I were better at comforting you. Your real father, most likely a banker of some kind himself, probably is. I'm sure he also has a lot of money. I don't—I'm just the guy responsible for the 8,040.
Son, you may not share my genetic material, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you grow up this way. So start a new game, select the farmer, try to think like Michael Phelps, and let's see how many buffalo we can kill on the way to Oregon.

The bible. Explained, for those not too cool with King James

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Click here for /b/ epicness.

How interesting

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I found this helpful little note stuck on my refrigerator last week:

  • Put both lids of the toilet up. Then add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
  • Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
  • In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid.
  • The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
  • Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a power-wash and rinse.
  • Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
  • Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid.
  • The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.
  • Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.
The Dog

New president!

Only a few more hours, and Obama will be elected! I was rooting for him since the beggining!

Edit: He's here now!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

For you techno buffs out there, this is code. Actual code. In the form of what I shall call "LOLTEXT". The type of stuff you see in LoLcat pictures, like this:

I can has code?

Well, Treavor...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Made of win.


Yeah. I just have to make fun of it.

Expelled With Ben Stien

First of all, I'm an aithiest. That needs to be confirmed quickly for this to make any sense.

Expelled is a movie about creationism, trying to convince you that it should be taught in schools. It's also a full frontal attack on all Darwinism.

And, it's total bogus. It slants information, is totally prejudiced, and bypasses all of the unsaid rules about documentaries, in that it lies to you.

Here are a few sites and reviews about it.

Love this song...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am soooooo damn close to being able to play it on bass.

Too all those guitar players saying that chords make the guitar better than bass

Monday, January 12, 2009

Suck it.

Tomorrow you go Home

Friday, January 9, 2009

TygH is a true novel I'm reading about a guy that accidentally brings about a gram of weed into Russia, and ends up spending four years in a Russian prison. It's a fantastic, interesting book that I've enjoyed greatly. See if your local library has it.

Click here for a review and more information

No clean feed

Thursday, January 8, 2009

No clean feed is a site that wants the porn internet filter in Australia down. I support it.

No Clean Feed - Stop Internet Censorship in Australia

Tl;Dr Epicness

Click here.

A change of classes

I finally get to drop my damn American Government class for Speech. I'm so happy!

ID10T erro

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My grandma just got owned when his tech support person diagnosed her with an ID10T error. She couldn't figure it out.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to school and back to the blog. Expect more posts.