
Well, this is just great

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, now my parents know about my blog and twitter. No more objectional content will be displayed here xD

Yeah, it was pretty bad.


Eitan said...

Hyah Silent! I'm from New Orleans, but I live in Baltimore, Maryland now. I played a little guitar yesterday as well (never played bass- you good?). check ya lata. adios

Eitan said...

wow that sucks. if silent's parents are looking at this now, I suggest you give your son some privacy. blogging is a healthy outlet. i doubt he's dumb enough to give some creeper his address or anything. so chill!

silentsouless said...

Cool. I'm not that great with the instrument, but I try. I've been playing for a year.

Eitan said...

what's a link exchange? ha

silentsouless said...

You link me on your blog. I link to you. Pretty simple.