
Looking for new authors

Monday, January 26, 2009

I want to expand the blog by adding another author.  This basically means that I want someone else to do my work and write for me.  What you get: A blog.  What I get: an author.

Now, you may be wondering why I'm doing this.  I mean, I'm already rocking steady daily posting.  The truth is that my blog is starting to get shallow and one dimensional.  With only me posting, you can expect the same thing every day.  That's why I want another author.

Simply drop a comment, and I'll decide weather you can be an author or not.  Then, I'll moderate the posts, and eventually decide who gets to stay.  I'll be chosing one author.

In the likely case that no one acutally signs up, I'll be continuing business as usual.

Anyway, signing off, Silence.


Anonymous said...

So i don't understand, if we were to help you as in want to become an author for you, then what would we write about?
Send me the answer;

If it's good i may have to ask to be an author!

Aval said...

I'd assume you write about anything from your day, to life, to the internet and everything. Mainly the internet. and everything.

silentsouless said...

You assume correctly. Not too much about my days, as those aren't really relevent. I still need your email to send you the invite.

Aval said...

PM'd my good sir.

silentsouless said...

Sweet. Now all you have to do is accept.