
I got in my first accident

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ok, so here's the setup: I was in the car, an old sedan with Sarah in the front seat and Wesly driving. I was in the back seat.

Suddenly, we totally T-boned a car at about 10 MPH. Nobody was hurt, but I got some cuts on my face, and a bloody nose.

Thank goodness for seatbelts, and the intelligence to wear one.

The moral: Always wear your seatbelt. Please. Sersiouly, this is *me* telling you this, so you know it's not BS.

Also, I lost my iPod. There's an excuse for my parents to buy me a iPod touch, though.


*Nemo* said...

yes...thank goodness for the great inventions of seatbelts...

luv nemo xxx

Laura said...

I'm glad your safe!

I updated my blog, and its really personal, so read at your own risk! :)

silentsouless said...

Personaly, ay? Now I really have to see it.